Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Break Party

Today my second grade class was celebrating fall (fall break tomorrow).  We had a blast doing a bat diagram while enjoying our yummy snacks.  The best part of the party was that a "bat expert" came into the class to share.  We learned about various types of bats and their habitats, what they ate, and we even saw real bat guano (bat poop).  The children were very interested in the topic because they have been learning about bats all week. 

Lauren and I participated in an activity which demonstrated echolocation.  Half of the class were bats and the other half were mosquitoes.  It was a fun activity that taught us useful information about how bats find their food.

My favorite part of E339 today was when we divided into groups and acted as one of the characters from "Voices In The Park".  I was able to interact with some people that I never had the chance to before and we all had a great time sharing ideas.  It was fun to pretend we were Victoria and act the way that we thought she would.

I am anxious to finish my research project and share it with the class next week!



  1. I also liked the shared writing activity. I want to get my genre pieces done and I'm excited to see what everyone else did their projects on and learn a little bit about all the different topics that everyone has been researching.
