Thursday, October 21, 2010

Challanges and Positive Experiences

Hello classmates,

Yesterday during our visit at University, I did a lot of individual work with my child who I am kidwatching.  Ms. Scott gave me 2 work samples (one that I could keep and one that I observed) from my child.  Both were very beneficial to look over.  The first piece I looked at was a word search but the challenging part of the word search was that my child had to do it for homework and recall detail from a story that was read in class.  He had a difficult time recalling information from the story when he was at home and had a hard time completing the homework.  The other piece that I got to take with me was a copy of a journal entry.  This valuable tool shows me what strengths and weaknesses he has with writing skills.  I was able to guide him in completing this journal piece about pioneers which gives me great information about his writing process.

During our reflection time at University, my group did a yarm activity with the entire class.  The object of the activity was for everyone of our classmates to share something that has challenged them during our time at Unviersity or a positive experience that they have shared at University.  This activity went over very well and it was very enjoyable to hear everybodys voice and stories.

Yesterday was a great day, especially making our genres in class!


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