Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mrs. Mori's 4th Grade Class

I thought yesterday was a great experience in Mrs. Mori's 4th grade class.  I was impressed with how well she captured the students attention during writers workshop.  I enjoyed working with the student that I was partnered with.  He seemed to love talking about the topics that we were brainstorming.  I felt that he warmed up to me right away.  The story that we started was about the last time he saw his fish.  It was actually pretty comical because he had two fish but the bigger fish ended up eating the smaller fish, which only left him with one feisty fish.  One of the main goals for writers workshop yesterday was to use BIG DETAILS so we both had a great time adding details to such a fun story.

From working in Mrs. Mori's class during writers workshop, I was able to see how well it works with students.  Even having the students pair up and share ideas (when the extra adult help isn't available) is a wonderful way for students to brainstorm ideas for writing.  

I think it is important that the students in her class have to write in their notebooks for 15 minutes a night.  I also like that she does not correct anything in their notebooks.  This is their own place to write anything they want.

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