Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bedazzling Our Notebooks...

I would first like to start off by saying how much fun I had today making my writer's notebook my own.  I enjoyed cutting out pictures that represented my life.  I feel that my writer's notebook is becoming my own and I am anxious to see what I will have in it by the end of the semester.

Today in class we talked about Fletcher's book on A Writer's Notebook.  I wanted to post a couple quotes or ideas that I wanted to remember:

The first one was on page 54 and it was about his son and his "nightmirror" instead of nightmare.  I thought this memory was adorable and it gave me good ideas of childhood memories that I could write about in my writer's notebook.

The second one is on page 60 about his son and how he made the comment about people "puffing" up.  This memory gave me ideas of writing about my younger brother or even my students in field experience that say cute things that I want to remember.

The last one is on page 133 when Fletcher said that our writer's notebook should fit like our favorite pair of jeans.  I thought he said it perfectly!

We also talked about Spelling in class today.  I was fascinated by all the activities and tools we as future teacher could use with our students.  I think it is very important for us to realize that all students learn differently.  We should set our classroom up so every student can improve their spelling.  Like the example in class today, both students were different learners. 


  1. Ralph Fletcher would like this! You will inspire your students with your "stories" as well.

  2. I really like the idea of using childhood memories as a page in our writers notebooks too! Fletcher really did have some great ideas.
