Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Long but productive day!

Hello all,

Today was very tiring after going to University for the first time.  I am in need of a nap soon!  I am exciting to start working with our new WN partners.  I think this is a great way to get to know one another and get in the swing of conferencing.

In class I felt it very helpful to go over the different ways of interpreting text (ex. sound words and show don't tell).  By doing this activity with just our classmates, I was able to realize that there were many interpretations that I didn't see that other classmates did. This showed me how differently my future students may interpret the text.  I think this way of learning is great for children because they are able to use their brains and figure out what the author is trying to say.  Like Ms. Coggin stated in class, it is vital to let the students come up with their own ideas.

I am pumped to start mini-lessons in class.  Just from skimming through the Craft Lesson book I got excited.

Hope everyone had a great first day at University!



  1. Marisa,

    I couldn't agree with you more, today was definitely a very long day. I am happy that you were able to gain knowledge from our class today. It was helpful to read what you learned because it was a way for me to refresh what we learned today. I cannot wait to see your craft lesson!

  2. We learn so much from a "community" of minds!

  3. I agree the different ways different people see things is very insightful way of learning.
