Thursday, November 18, 2010

Video Fun


Yesterday was a productive but enjoyable class.  To start off, we had conferences and went over our rough drafts for our final written piece.  This was very useful for me because both Lindsey and Rachel gave me feedback about my children's book.  They helped me come up with ideas to make my book better as well as guide me with ideas that I had been stuck on.  I feel that I gave good constructive feedback to both of my partners as well.  The best part of class was constructing our digital movies.  My group is doing our movie on Christmas.  Our video is getting me very excited for the holidays.  I think making digital movie in a classroom is a wonderful idea.  It gives students a chance to work with technology as well as using their own creativity.

It is sad that the semester is coming to an end.  I am finally starting to feel comfortable with my classroom at University and now we are going to be leaving.  I wish the placement was longer.  I would really benefit from spending more time in one classroom.  I feel like I am starting to understand students strengths and weaknesses and wish I could be there for a longer amount of time.

Have a great break everyone!


1 comment:

  1. It won't be long before you are in the classroom more- YOUR OWN!
